Surviving Heart Attacks: The Importance of Cardiac Collateralisation

The Heart is a muscle and any muscle requires a blood supply to function. The heart is supplied by 2 main blood vessels. The left coronary artery and the right coronary artery. The left further divides into 2 large branches: The left anterior descending artery (LAD) and the left circumflex artery. Each of these vessels supply a part of the heart and in combination, these 3 vessels supply the whole [...]

Chest pain: Why it is not ok to wait and see

Chest pain is both common and very scary. It can also be the first symptom of a heart attack which in itself can be a fatal event. The universal advice for anyone who experiences chest discomfort especially if it a persistent sensation of heaviness, tightness or constriction, is to call an ambulance and get to a hospital as soon as possible. Despite this heavily publicised recommendation, I am sti [...]

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