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My most viewed video on youtube to date has been on the benefits of Magnesium on our overall health. In this blog, I summarise the most useful points from that video.
1) The majority of chronic illnesses are driven by chronic inflammation. With regards to the heart, atherosclerosis (hardening of our blood vessels) is the process that eventually leads to heart attacks and this is caused by chronic low grade inflammation. The inflammation is caused by lifestyle factors such as smoking, poor nutrition (especially processed foods), lack of exercise, lack of good quality sleep and stress.
2) As the arteries harden over a number of years, it becomes more difficult for blood to get to our vital organs such as our brain, kidneys and heart. As these organs start getting deprived of blood they start malfunctioning.
3) Any agent which can improve the blood supply to our vital organs can offer potential benefits to our health. Magnesium, in that sense, has the following beneficial properties:
a) It can help relax smooth muscle and therefore relaxes our blood vessels allowing blood to get through more easily
b) It is anti-inflammatory
c) It has some anticoagulant properties which again help blood to travel through the hardened blood vessels more easily
What is Magnesium?
Magnesium is both a mineral and an electrolyte. It is the 4th most abundant mineral in the body. It is necessary for electrical activity in the heart and the brain and is also a co-factor in more than 300 reactions within the body. The recommended daily allowance is 400-420 mg for men and 310-360mg for women. However, our daily intake is far less than this. We should be taking 400mg daily but the majority of people take between 240- 370 mg at most. It is estimated that 75% of the population in the western world takes in less magnesium than is recommended. It is also important to understand what happens to the magnesium once we have ingested it. 30-40% is absorbed from our gut and also our small bowel. Some of it is excreted through our kidneys but then the kidneys try and re-absorb it especially when we are magnesium deficient. Magnesium is also interesting because only 1-2% is available in the blood. Most of the magnesium is in bone (67%) and within the cells (31%). Hence when we look at measuring magnesium levels in a routine blood test, we are only measuring 1-2% of the total amount of magnesium present within our bodies and this is why the blood test is not a good marker of total body magnesium content.
Why are we Magnesium deficient?
The majority of us are Magnesium deficient. Here are the reasons why:
1) We take in less than we should.
This is because of modern farming methods which serve to deplete the magnesium in soil. Processing depletes magnesium further.
2) We absorb less of it from our stomachs
Reflux disease has become hugely prevalent because of the bad food that we are being fed and a large number of people are now on chronic proton pump inhibitors to reduce acid production. Unfortunately acid is necessary for absorption of magnesium and it is well recognised that chronic proton pump inhibitor use is associated with an increased risk of magnesium deficiency.
Carbonated beverages also reduce the absorption of magnesium and can compound the problem.
3) We use up a lot more magnesium these days
We are using up a lot more magnesium now compared to a hundred years ago. Remember Magnesium plays a role in over 300 reactions within our bodies. Stress, which is ubiquitous these days, results in increased Magnesium break-down. Lack of sleep also results in increased magnesium usage. There is a lot more sugar in our food these days and Magnesium is required to break sugar down and this again causes depletion of magnesium.
4) We excrete a larger than necessary amount of magnesium
Coffee, Tea and pharmacological diuretics all cause us to excrete more magnesium in our urine. In particular diuretics will actually stop the kidneys from re-absorbing magnesium.
You can therefore see why we, as a population have become so deficient in this vital mineral/electrolyte.
What are the effects of magnesium deficiency?
The signs and symptoms are usually subtle and often we put them down to the rigors of modern day living. In particular, tiredness, anxiety, sleep disturbance, depression, restless legs and even heart palpitations can be caused by magnesium deficiency. Hardening of the arteries can cause elevated blood pressure readings. Improving magnesium levels can help with all these symptoms. In addition it can help achieve better control of blood pressure and also diabetes.
How do you confirm whether you are deficient?
This can be difficult because the blood test is virtually useless as it only measures the 1-2% of magnesium in the blood and does not give an accurate assessment of total body magnesium. If the blood test shows that the magnesium levels are normal then you can not be sure because it may be falsely reassuring but if the blood test is indeed very low then it is very likely you are deficient.
A better way to measure Magnesium levels is to measure the content of magnesium in the red cells. This is called Red cell Magnesium Count. Unfortunately few laboratories (in the UK) offer this measurement routinely. Another way to get a more accurate assessment of body magnesium stores is to measure the content of magnesium in the urine. Again this is not a routinely available test in most laboratories. An easier way is simply to increase your magnesium levels and see if you notice a difference.
Why don’t doctors recommend Magnesium?
There are several reasons for this:
1) There are no large scale randomised trials to provide an evidence base for its benefits. This is largely because most large scale trials are very expensive to run and are pharma-sponsored. No pharma company is going to profit from magnesium and therefore there is little incentive is studying its benefits. However a search on Pubmed reveals several small scale studies which indirectly point to magnesium being essential for our good health.
2) It is difficult to measure and the most commonly used method which is a simple blood test is hugely flawed and can often give normal values even in those who are very deficient.
3) Most doctors are brainwashed by the pharmaceutical industry into believing that the only remedy to any problem is a set of pills.
How do I increase my magnesium levels?
There are several ways:
1) Improve intake by avoiding processed foods and eating organically grown magnesium rich foods from local growers. Almonds, Spinach, Cashew nuts, peanuts all contain lots of magnesium. Magnesium can also be absorbed through the skin and Magnesium Oil which is available in many health shops can help when applied topically. Similarly the addition of an oral magnesium supplement can greatly boost magnesium levels and reduce symptoms of magnesium deficiency.
2) Increasing the absorption of magnesium through the gut by reducing reliance on proton pump inhibitors. If you have reflux, alternative agents such as H2 receptor blockers do not cause magnesium deficiency and could provide relief from reflux equally well.
3) Reducing the breakdown of magnesium by maintaining a good lifestyle – better sleep patterns, management of stress and regular exercise help. Also reducing sugar intake is very helpful.
4) Reducing excretion of magnesium by avoiding diuretics such as coffee and tea can help
Can Magnesium be harmful?
I would always recommend that you seek your own doctor’s counsel before taking any supplements so that they can advise you after evaluating your medical history. Truthfully at recommended daily allowances, magnesium supplementation is very safe. The only caveat is if you have severe kidney disease in which case i would again recommend taking your doctor’s advice. Some people do develop a runny stomach on certain preparations. Magnesium glycinate in particular is generally well tolerated in those who have issues with diarrhoea with other forms of magnesium.
What preparation and what dose is best?
As there are so many preparations, it is beyond the scope of this review to go through each and every one of them. In general, magnesium oxide is least effective and best avoided. I have used Magnesium taurate 125 mg twice a day with great success in many of my patients. Similarly Magnesium Citrate at 200 mg daily is also very effective as is Magnesium glycinate. Magnesium supplements are very easily available at health food stores and online suppliers such as Amazon.
I hope you found this post useful. Here is a link to a video on this subject. I would love to hear your comments on whether you have used magnesium and whether you have benefited in some way from it.
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Thanks to your video, i was encouraged to try taurate. To my surprise (and joy), after around 2 weeks, my palpitations greatly reduced
God bless you Dr. Gupta!
Was diagnosed with svt 18 months ago, but in the last 3 months it was discovered from a blood test my thyroid is producing too much thyroxin. Now taking Slozem, Carbimazole and Bisoprolol. Also have esophigitis with spasms and take Esomeprazole.
Would Magnesium be of benefit to me please.
So is it a no no if you have ckd?? I fear the use of many medications created the problem and added new problems.
Very informative thank you for taking the time to write this article. I am definitely going to try magnesium. Have developed troublesome ectopics and would love to reduce the symptoms.
Thank you very much, dear Sanjay
Over a year now that I have been diagnosed as having PVC and have been put on 2 types of beta-blockers. Your write up has just came in handy to further understand my condition and the use of magnesium. Hopefully this will help suppress my PVCs and not getting an ablation done.
Thanks again Dr. Sanjay
Thank you Doctor for such an informative video.
Thank you Dr Gupta for yet another very helpful and informative video. I have ordered Magnesium Glycinate and now realise it’s in tablets of 200mg. Is it ok to take 2? I am a female of 69 years and have developed Atrial Fibrillation over the past 4 months.
My main concern is that I am breathless.
can i take magnesium if im having a lower heart rate.. i have episodes of lower heart rate to a normal heart beat.. hope u can answer me.. thank u in advance
In 2015 when I had a L hip replacement, the anesthesiologist told me I had a lot of PVCs during surgery and referred me to a cardiologist who did an in-office echocardiogram, EKG and thorough cardiac exam. No mention of magnesium. When we moved from MT to Colorado my new internist recommended a Holter monitor which showed a lot of PVCs including bigeminy, trigeminy and quadrigeminy. I was again referred to a cardiologist who felt the PVCs were benign but that an ablation procedure should be considered if they got more frequent or I had symptoms of SOB, CP, dizziness, light headedness or palpitations. I’ve had no symptoms with the PVCs. Interestingly, the Holter monitor showed one episode of R on T phenomena and one run of 3-beat VT. As a physician myself, I then started reading on PubMed about PVCs and started taking magnesium supplements. Within one week, my PVCs decreased remarkably and by two weeks the PVCs totally resolved and have not returned over the past 4 months I’ve been taking magnesium 500 mg per day as magnesium oxide (Walmart brand). Out of 5 doctors I’d seen about my PVCs, not one mentioned magnesium to try. Why? There’s no money in it, it’s cheap, it’s not a Rx and it’s been around forever. Listen, and listen again to Dr. Gupta’s video. He’s right on, and I’m grateful that he has gone to the trouble to make this known. I’ve already passed this video on to friends and family to educate them and have asked that they in turn pass it on. Thank you, Dr. Gupta. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate your making this more well known to the general public.
My PCP, Cardiologist as well as the Electrophysiologist all recommended magnesium oxide for my RVOT PVCs and if oxide is not a good magnesium then why was that particular one recommended?
Magnesium oxide is not well absorbed in the GI tract and can be converted into Magnesium Hydroxide (Milk of Magnesia) which has Laxative properties. I find Magnesium Glycinate best (but any Chelated to an Amino acid Magnesium salt will work well), Magnesium Oxide preparations tend to be very cheap but useless for our purpose!
Thank you very much for this information.
Palpitations wake me up every 2 to 3 hours. Why is that?
Thank you! I am going to try using Magnesium. Some friends referred me to you and your videos and I am enjoying the education. Over 20 years of dealing with heart palpitations and anxiety and no one has every explained things to me like you. You are a blessing.
If only all doctors were like you we woulid be well instead of antibiotics and pill pushing you are 1 in a million Kathy thankyou thank you 🙏
Amazing information in this video Dr Gupta thank you for sharing such an important piece of the overall puzzle of health!! Love your holistic perspective on this and looking at nutrition, lifestyle and natural supplements first. A breath of fresh air to hear!
Thank you Dr. Gupta, you have helped me so much to understand and manage my Afib.
Hi Dr Gupta, your videos and associated information on AF is brilliant and it is only through you and your advice that I have come off the medication Flecainide which was really making me feel not only unwell and depressed but seemed to make my symptoms worse , to trying Magnesium which has made a real difference to the way I feel and only been on it for 10 days but no AF and I am sleeping so well . You have really changed my life for the good and you are a star , may the good lord bless you in your life . Thank you
I appreciate your information on magnesium in regards to PVC’s etc. I had developed PVC’s in September and was concerned enough to purchase an at home rhythm monitor. For about 6 weeks, I had frequent, almost constant PVC’s. I started taking magnesium taurate, 300 mg/day. Within days, my PVC’s were gone completely. I have taken it now for about 6 weeks and my sinus rhythm is perfectly normal. NO PVC’s at all.
My question now is: how long should I continue with this dosage (I am perfectly happy to take it forever if it is not contraindicated)
I am a 67 year old male who doesn’t eat fast food at all and avoids sugar (mostly) I exercise 3 to 4 times a week (walking or stationary bike) for 45 minutes to an hour.
Thanks for what you do.
Many thanks Dr Gupta,
I am 57 and have just started taking Magnesium Taurate 146mg BD, mainly to help me with anxiety and sleep that has occurred since the Menopause. I have experienced short episodes of palpitations for years these are not regular or for extended periods. Cardiology investigation revealed no abnormalities.
My blood pressure is normal, have a good diet and avoid caffeine and alcohol. I could exercise more, but have just started Pilates and some low impact CV exercise at home. I take Pregabalin 75mg TDS for anxiety and Body Identical HRT./
My question is: how long should I expect until I see results in my anxiety, sleep and palpitations? Do you have any further advice for me?
Many thanks for your extremely helpful video.
Your posts a videos have changed my life. I have seen cardiology for years and was put on beta blockers which i did not like- My blood pressure runs about 110/70 and just did not like the idea of going straight to a medication.
However, with vigorous research I found you!! I started taking magnesium and my severe PVC went away all the way. I was having so many like 6 in a row 2 normal beats and than back to 6 constant for days at end.
Thank you again!!!!
God bless you Dr Gupta! I’ve been suffering from heart palpitations for few days now without the knowledge from your videos I’d most probably be terrified to death! I started magnesium supplementation and scheduled an appointment with a cardiologist hoping for the best. You literally save lives without even knowing! God will put it all down somewhere for sure and reward you for that! Since it’s October and I’m a Catholic from Poland I’ll pray the Rosary for you and you patients!
I heard about you, Dr. Gupta, through my Minlaw- she reads and watches your videos:) Thank you for providing a reliable source to go to. Appreciate your easy to understand explanation on magnesium.
1. what is the best magnesium to use to reduce my high blood pressure?
2. is there a way to use over the counter vitamins to eliminate the need to use my metoprolol 25mg. i was put on this drug when my heart rate went up to 176 beats per minute when i was sick with a bad cold. however, i will say i did have heart palpitations in the past before using the metoprolol. they would just occur. when i had the palpitations (hear racing) i would have to lie down till it calmed down for 10 minutes to 30 minutes before my heart would normalize.
I started taking magnesium taurate, on your recommendation, for palpitations , about 7 months ago. It has virtually eliminated my palpitations and I am so grateful.
Due to extreme lethargy and more recently palpitations I started to take magnesium taurate after a considerable amount of reading and your name coming to my attention. I’m in my fifties and while my diet is reasonably good where I fail is I’ve only eaten a very small amount of fruit in all those years. There are other contributory factors that have been causing stress. I’m about 6 months in on magnesium supplementation and on the whole the palpitations have gone and the tiredness gone from feeling tiredness inside my bones to far more manageable levels. A family member mentioned that I appear to be a totally different person, greatly improved. I’d go as far as to say I feel I may have avoided a much more serious health concern by taking magnesium. Many thanks for sharing your valuable knowledge.