I am a 48 yr old female and suffer with PVCs daily. I also get PVC bigeminy. I feel every single one of my PVCs, whether big or small. I take Metoprolol 25mg in the morning and 50 mg in the evening plus a magnesium pill everyday.
The medications have helped a lot. I also had an attempted ablation which was not able to be completed due to lack of PVC’s at the time.
I do find that my gastrointestinal issues really affect my PVCs. I have been studying mine for months now and can honestly say that when my sliding hiatal hernia is acting up or when I have a lot of rumbling in my stomach, my PVCs really come on strong, one after another for a good 2 hours or more. It was very unsettling at first to say the least. – but after wearing a heart monitor for 2 months and talking with several doctors, nurses, heart monitoring agents, I have come to realize that they are not going to kill me.
I have even listened to them with a stethoscope and can hear lots of gas and rumbling in my stomach and around my chest. Sometimes even belching relieves them.
One great doctor whom gave me lots of reassurance was Dr Gupta himself. I do feel that gastrointestinal issues can bring on PVCs and depending on what is going on , it can bring a lot of them on. Now I try to just relax or move around to get rid of them, but they don’t scare me anymore.
Thank you for your post – I too suffer with them awful and definitely there is a link to food x I especially find sugary foods make them worse x your words have helped me especially today when they are being quite troublesome x x
Yes! I am suffering with same problem. It makes me relaxed. Thank you for sharing.
Yes! I truly have experienced the my gut is the key to my PVC’s
I to take 250mg of magnesium everyday,and this has helped me massively during my time of the month when my pvcs are more prominent. I to get a lot gas problems and this can have an impact on my pvcs. I have had them for over 10 years now,and they have just become my life now. I always make sure I stay active,eat healthy. And take my vitamins and minerals as I’m vegetarian/vegan and have lacked in most minerals for a long time. Since I have been taking my daily magnesium I have noticed a big difference and I’m happy. I just hope and pray these will go away one day X
I also agree about the GI connection to PVC’s. I, too, go into bigeminy and trigeminy when experiencing episodes of GERD, stomach upset, etc. I also suffer from a sliding hiatal hernia!
The most frustrating part is, my PCP totally believes in the connection, but my Cardiologist does not!! My Cardiologist thinks it is crazy when I tell him the Magnesium Taurate helps! When are physicians going to believe what their patients say, and out their pride aside and admit that they don’t know everything?
I can say this, thank God for Dr. Gupta! He absolutely has saved my sanity with regard to this phenomenon. I will NEVER regret paying for our one on one consult, as he gave me the peace of mind I needed!
Forever grateful to you, Sir, and all of the best!
How have you been since taking care of your stomach issues? Do you still get PVC’s ? I think I’m having the same issues. I think my PVC’s are cause by that. I can’t lay on my side or hunch over with out it causing a PVC.
another one here with direct link to digestion and my AF (PVCs or whatever!) my heart will not settle until my stomach has. Interestingly I have started taking sotalol for last few weeks and the AF AND stomach issues have cut down by around 80%, that I don’t understand but I will take it as a relief not to have nearly as much heart action!
u still ok?
I’m having bigeminy runs for days at a time definitely related to episodes of insane amounts of belching
Hi, I’ve also been having insane amounts of belching with my bigeminy, just wondering how you’re doing these days?
Thanks for the posts. I had my first panic attack when I started feeling my heart fluttering a lot daily w cmg & going pain in chest. I was told it was anxiety even thou I don’t have history of anxiety ( thou I do now). Found out I have pvcs and also a hiatal hernia along w belching a lot. Reading ur posts helped ease my mind. ESP when seeing doctors (well NPs). For example if u go to ur primary he tells u to c a specialist and u go a foot Dr, they tell u oh I only deal w the top of the foot so u have to go to a toe Dr then that Dr tells u oh I only check the big toe so u have to go to the little toe Dr, etc. It’s the same body system! So obviously issues can be connected! I wish I could find a present doctor who actually cares to get to a diagnosis even if it’s not their original specialty then send me to one that it is
I’ve had stomach issues for years. In the past year they come more often and with PVCS.
It is ruining how I live and would love to get an answer.
did you find an answer?
I am so happy I found this. I have told any doctor who will listen that my gut & heart are connected.
I just came home from the ER after having a gut ache this morning followed by a run of PVC’s.
I also believe stress induces them.
Thank you for speaking your truth and finding others who believe!!
are you any better?
Does anyone get like a wobbling in there stomach and chest when they have the palpitations? Very uncomfortable. I have eptopic beats and a Hiatus hernia.
I have also had a ultrasound to rule out anything in the artery.
What do you mean like wobbling? I do know my pvcs act up and even feel different at times but they get really crazy when I have stomach problems and when I start and am on my period. I have tried to slow them down and do things to make them lessen but still haven’t found anything. They are so scary at times too
Yes, I know exactly what you mean about the wobbling. Sometimes it feels as if my heart has jumped – it doesn’t happen that often but when it does, it’s a strange feeling! I know that my GERD makes the PVCs worse, and it helps me to take an acid reducer at night before bed. I take 20 mg of Propranolol once a day and magnesium at night and that helps a lot as well. Thanks for your comments, everyone, it’s comforting to know we are not alone!
Yes, I keep trying to describe it the people around me, it’s so scary when it feels like am air balloon is being pushed up into my chest cavity area. It’s happened when I’m out and about, and so nowI’m afraid to leave the house.
I explained my problem, the exact same way you do. It’s like an air bubble in my chest. Have you fixed your problem? Have you figured out a solution yet?
I suffered from the constant pvc’s for nearly two years after taking Omoprazale for gastritis. I was getting pvc’s and would get them 2 & 3 in a row every 6 heart beats. Felt every single one of them. Caused massive anxiety after awhile. No amount of exercise or diet helped. I took beta blockers and even SSRI’s, but to no avail. Electrophysiologist tested me and I was at 11% PVC/2% PAC over a 7 day period. Full cardio work show no blockages. Finally, the doctor prescribed me .75 mg clonazepam and 5 mg amlodipine and they went away. But now I am stuck on those and that clonazepam is no joke trying to withdrawal from. So, I was able to get rid of them almost completely, but the downside is the medication for life, unless I want them back. So far that is. Best wishes to everyone who has them – they are not fun to live with.
That’s really interesting, Mark. I took Omeprazole for many years as treatment for Eosinophilic Esophagitis. My PVCs started years after starting Omep, then after a year or so of having PVCS I quit Omep to see if they were related. I didn’t restart Omep, but I still have PVCs, going on 5 years now. I wonder if Omep has some sort of long-lasting effects that are at play here?
Same I took omeprazole for 2 weeks, and I started having the PVC
how old are you? I am having constant PVCs and they are truly worrisome- are they normal? did you have any stomach issues? any episodes of passing out or other symptoms? can you exercise on them? can you live a long life with constant PVCs?
I have been deaing with a hiatal hernia and gas for years. Two years ago (I’m now 77) I was diagnosed with PVC’s. I had an ablation which helped for about 6 months. Then the PVC’s returned
and have continued for several months. My problem is that my Cardiologist insists there is no connection between my stomach issues and my PVC’s. This website has given me renewed hope that I can get this treated for what it is!
at what age did your PVCs start? were the occassional or frequent? how did you fix them?
I am 40 and have had occasional PVCs my whole life- the last 48 hours they have been constant- my bloodwork, ekg, heart monitor came back fine- and I am not short of breath- other symptoms I am feeling is bloated and slight nausea (not really hungry) is anyone else living with constant PVCs? I feel calm but they are just very triggered and aggressive right now and it is uncomfortably noticeable- please help thank you
Hey, Dan. I see you’ve been active on here recently. PVCs are generally benign, although that’s a very annoying answer. I know they can feel scary and it would be nice to know how they’re triggered, but many of us never actually get answers. You can live a long healthy life with them. Just make sure to get checked out by a cardiologist to rule anything bad out. I wish I knew what started mine a year ago, but here I am. I’m 30 and have them every few beats, every single day.
Been suffering from pvcs since October 3 2021. A week after contracting Covid. I was in a heart monitor for 13 days and I was the 1%. Got fully checked up by cardiologist and other doctors to say everything from blood work, echocardiogram, and stress test. They had to put me on lexapro because I could feel every single pvc and was losing my mind cause I was scared out my mind. It did help and was on lexapro til around July. When I came off lexapro which caused me bad gas and nausea especially when riding passenger the pvcs was like 95% gone. I thought it was heart issues and when I was cleared that it wasn’t then I believed it to be my brain cause of Covid. Well my brain cleared up but still having bad bad GERD. Bad acid reflux, chest pains, nausea, and pvcs when the GERD is flared up. The doctor prescribed me pantoprazole. It helps the stomach issues some but once I can feel the stomach issues in my throat not long after I feel the pvcs. So now I know it’s from the stomach issues caused by Covid. I went to a gastroenterologist but everything came back normal from all the labs they did one me. I do have the haitia hernia too. I just know it does affect my daily living cause I’m scared to make it worse and end up with heart problems. And when I feel them they scare me to death still I’m just lucky they are no where near as bad for the first 6 months after what I believe was the delta Covid. I wish there was a way to heal the stomach issues that I didn’t have before delta so I can I go back to my normal life!!!
For days now i am having thousands and thousands of pvc ‘s dringend the day. Esoecially when i sit. When i lay down as well. They seem to be less but still there but noticably less when walking. I absolutely feel that there is a connection between my Gerd and gas high in the stomach, irritated esophagus and my pvcs . Its even this crazy that when i feel the full air bubble more on the right side of my stomach chest that i feel my skipped beats on the right, and when the air bubbel moves to the left, it Happens..i feel my skipped beats left. Seems vagus might be culprit One worry now, more studies talk about Gerd and possible fatal ventricale arrythmias due to autonomic nerve involvement. Study 2019. So ..what is to do?
Hello everyone I’m 42 with a lot of stomach issues and pvcs all the time. I have had echocardiogram done regularly for the past 20 years, ekg all the time, blood work, stress test, 14 day monitoring, ccta scan you name it. I was told that my pvcs was coming from something other than my heart my heart doctor said. I just recently got told I have eoe, severe gerd, gastritis, and gastroparesis the pain I’m in all the time is unreal with these stomach issues and I’m on so many different stomach medications. I have noticed that when I’m having stomach issues the pvc seem more noticeable which I have every single day of my life on stomach issues. The come on nonstop for a long period of time with a break here or there through out the day. It scares me all the time and I just don’t know what to do anymore. No doctor can seem to give me any answers as to why this is happening and how to stop the pvcs. I just want my old life back and the PVCs to stop please if anyone can help I’m all ears.
I have almost the same history and same problems for many years
Can we talk
Hello all, 46 yr old , almost one week post covid and EKG showed Trigemeny. Very uncomfortable to say the least..lots of anxiety especially at night as I feel heart beat will go too low…how’s everyone’s experience with this..what is helping?
42 years old male has chronic GERD and hiatal hernia many years back with recurrent PVCs
Since Last year my attacks of pvcs became more frquent more annoying and I can not have normal life even I can not lye down at night without fear
I am taking ppIs since years but in-vain
Any one did hiatal hernia surgery and improved
Please share your experience
Hello- the topsy-turvy feeling in the stomach is definitely part of my PVC experience. I also agree with the hunched over idea, as that seems to exacerbate my palps.
FWIW…my PVC’s started soon after taking the Covid vaccine and then having covid.
Hi everyone, I’m a 32 year old male who has been dealing with bigeminy pvcs on and off for years, it’s all started when I got a hiatal hernia from lifting weights, I’m also intolerant to wheat and dairy, basically for me to not have PVCs I have to have a good gut, otherwise I suffer really bad. I’m currently having a really bad session for the last week, constant bigeminy and constant burping and I’m not sure where it’s come from, I must of eaten something or got a bug but it is so soul destroying, I can’t do anything but sit around feeling sorry for myself as it’s so bad, I really think if I got my hiatal hernia fixed it would sort the problem out but it’s impossible convincing drs of this, it’s a bit of a nightmare tbh. Has anyone ever managed to get hernia surgery and fix their issues? Thanks
I had a 25% PVC load and I did not want to take medications or have an ablation. I found the GAPS diet for gut health and after 3 months on the protocol my PVC burdens reduced to 13%. As of now, 6 months in I’ve had no PVCs for 2 weeks.
Hey, 65 yo male. Have Gerd and sliding hiatal hernia. I’ve been getting PVC’s after I eat, drink coffee, alcohol or food types that can disrupt the Gerd. I Was on omeprazole for 3yrs at 80mg a day.
Have hade electrical heart issue’s “Afib” in the past and ablation fixed that. I’m weaning off omeprazole as we speak, my diet is very good, I workout daily and have no weight issue’s.
The Vagus nerve controls electrical impulses and there’s a branch in the stomach region which can be effected by all the above problems I have. Pressure on that nerve of any type can cause PVC’s.
So what’s the answer. I believe an ablation will cure this if you can capture them. Stimulating the vagus nerve on that location should bring them on and the procedure should work. I’m currently waiting for my halter monitor to come back and the rest of my gastro test for bloating and discomfort.
I’m going to sit down with my cardiologist and gastro doc’s first, then depending on the result’s I will either get the sliding hernia fixed with a TIF procedure or get a PVC ablation.
I’m a strong believer in surgery.