My experience of POTS & IV fluids

I was officially diagnosed with Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) six years ago. Over the past nine months however my condition deteriorated significantly to the point where I could no longer walk; I could only sit up for a very short amount of time and I would spend most of the day and night sleeping. My heart rate would randomly go up to 200BPM for no reason and my blood pressure [...]

Pace and Ablate

Atrial fibrillation is a disorder both of heart rate and heart rhythm. By definition, the heart beats irregularly but also can beat excessively fast or excessively slow. When the heart beats excessively fast, there are 2 main consequences: The patient is generally more symptomatic with palpitations, breathlessness, fatigue and exercise intolerance There is a likelihood that as the heart is working [...]

Grace’s story of beating POTS

In my mid-20’s my health started to take a turn for the worse, in so many different ways. My back pain that I had had from my mid-teens started to get worse and I was finally referred to a spinal surgeon for my scoliosis, and at 27 I had a spinal fusion. Following the fusion, my health continued to deteriorate; I suffered from digestive problems, heart palpitations, shortness of breath, near faint [...]

12 Lifestyle Modifications which work in POTS

POTS (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome) is commoner than we think. 1 in 3 people with a diagnosis of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome(CFS) or ME also have POTS. Similarly a large number of patients with Fibromyalgia probably also have POTS. In my practice, I have the privilege of managing the treatment of about 150 patients with POTS . I have found that lifestyle and behaviour change recommendati [...]

How changing my diet helped my heart palpitations: Ivana’s story

In regard to your FB post I'd like to share what I've found to be related to less ectopics in terms of diet. First of all, four months ago I had an ablation for my SVT and due to going through massive panic attacks from the whole thing, my EP left me on Bisoprolol for a few more months. I am now on 1.25 mg and will taper off in the next 2 months. I noticed some pretty strange ectopics (5 in a row) [...]

How changing my diet helped my heart palpitations: Stephanie’s story

I have had SVT since I was 13, now 38. Luckily, my episodes are infrequent and am able to covert within a minute. I have noticed as I have gotten into my late 30s, I deal with ectopics during hormone fluctuations. I have been trying various diets in hopes of finding a way to keep the ectopics and SVTs away. I am not on any meds. Through trial and error, I have finally found what works for me.... 1 [...]

By |September 2nd, 2019|Patient Stories|1 Comment

How changing my diet helped my heart palpitations: Amy’s story

I am writing to you to share my experiences with nutritional choices and ectopic beats. I have suffered from Paroxysmal Supraventricular Tachycardia and ectopic beats since 1994 (14 yrs old). I did not take my diet seriously until 2014, when my PSVT started getting worse, and I wanted to avoid ablation. I grew up eating the standard American diet. In 2014, I started taking magnesium supplements fr [...]

The 2 most important (and rational) questions to ask and answer if you have ectopic heart beats

A lot of my work involves talking to and reassuring people who suffer from ectopic heart beats which seem to cause a great deal of anxiety and really seem to have a negative impact on quality of life. Most patients I have spoken to have already seen a doctor for their symptoms of ectopic beats and the doctor has told them that they are not dangerous but for many this reassurance is seldom enough. [...]

L’s story of living with Lyme Disease

I got sick with Lyme Disease in 2012. I did get bites and presented to a doctor with the bulls eye rash, they gave my a week of standard antibiotics and a steroid cream and sent me on my way. I knew nothing about Lyme Disease at the time and unfortunately neither did the doctor I saw. I wish I knew what that rash meant at the time and got a course of doxycycline and would have been spared the comp [...]

C’s story of living with Lyme Carditis

Dear Dr Gupta,  I saw your post on Facebook regarding wanting to hear from patients with Lyme disease. I thought I would get in touch as I think it's important to raise the profile of Lyme disease, and my initial contact was with cardiology which might be interesting for you. Clinical history: I have a long history of being bitten by ticks in Sweden, where I have received tick bites dozens of time [...]

Holly’s story of living with POTS

I started feeling heart racing problems when I was about 8 and complained about it, I grew up knowing if I did a lot of physical exercise I needed to sit down so my heart would stop racing and hurting. In high school when I was about 15 I noticed I got dizzy when I stood up, I thought it was normal and learnt to live with it, and then I started to notice the fatigue and struggling to keep up with [...]

J’s story of living with ectopic heart beats

I've had ectopics for 6 years. I also have SVT once-twice a year, but it does not bother me and my cardiologist says it is not dangerous. My ectopics cause a severe anxiety and agoraphobia. I try not to give up, but it's bigger than me. They go away when I work, when I do sports (I ride a horse everyday) but after that I just get nervous and start to panic. Usually I have 0-10 ectopics a day, but [...]

L’s story of living with ectopic heart beats

My ectopics are bad some days and not noticeable other days; caffeine is a definite no! I find that taking salt baths help with ectopics/palpitations, the bath salt contains magnesium, potassium and calcium and it’s absorbed into the system When they do happen, my ectopics feel like a pause and then a thud followed by a quiver type feeling until my heart rhythm returns to normal - sometimes I get [...]

A’s story of living with ectopic heart beats

I've had my ectopics for about 4 years, mostly PVCs. Magnesium helped tremendously to reduce them for about 3 years, and then they came back with a vengeance almost a year ago. Magnesium alone was not helping anymore. I had my cardiologist perform some more thorough testing including an echocardiogram and Holter monitor. It was confirmed that I was having hundreds to thousands of extra heart beats [...]

G’s story of living with ectopic heart beats

Mine started when I was 20 I am now 64. I can identify certain triggers alcohol and caffeine being the main ones and cut these out of my life at a very young age . It has taken me until the last couple of years to believe anxiety/ stress has something to do with it but I do believe it does . I take a calcium channel blocker and magnesium taurate and although not gone have improved my condition dra [...]

S’s story of living with ectopic heart beats

I have read messages from the young and the old, people who endured Ectopics for years and some some like myself who have only recently become aware of them. I have tried just about everything, from the scientific to the bizarre, but nothing truly gets rid of them. I have come to the conclusion if they have been check and double checked by cardiologist and they are sure they are doing no harm, the [...]

I’s story of living with ectopic heart beats

I had an ablation 5 years ago after having 2 episodes of racing heart (4 hours at 210bpm). The ablation was s success but after it I started getting ectopic beats. I’ve had a further two ablations to try to alleviate the ectopics without success. For the past three years I’ve tried lots of things from magnesium to breathing exercises but nothing has helped . I get ectopics constantly and they can [...]

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