I first became ill July 2016 after a vacation in the woods. Never saw a tick but I had a small bullseye. I knew nothing about lyme disease so I never saw a doctor. I have almost all the symptoms of a tick borne illness. My chest pain and fast heart rate started in November 2016. My ECG changed but nothing was ever found linking my heart as the problem. I was told its stress, depression, esophageal spasms.
It took over a year before my husband put all the pieces together. So in October 2017, I saw a LLMD and I fit the clinic diagnosis for Lyme disease. I had tests ran through IgenX in May 2018. I tested positive for Borreliosis (not by the CDC two tier testing), Babesiosis, and Ehrlichosis. However, regular doctors don’t believe it and treat me like crap whenever I see one. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia in Nov 2017 by my local VA and Wright Patterson AFB. Now, they just keep telling me to exercise, which I do.
My story is not an isolated incident. All over the country and world, people are suffering and it doesn’t seem to matter to anyone. I hope you can use my story to keep fighting for better testing and treatment. Thank you.
You used to put post like this on my Facebook page where they made me so happy!! Where are you putting them now, Doc? I STILL LOVE YOU!